The www . beauty - plus . gr gives you the possibility to pay for your order using one of the following payment methods:

  • With Paypal account.
  • Cash deposit to a bank account: After completing your order you can pay the total amount by deposit to one of our bank accounts. Upon completion of the deposit, you must send us the registered proof of deposit via email to so that we can ship your order.
  • Our bank accounts are as follows:
  • ALPHA BANK (IVAN GR6401 4093 8093 8002 1010 05932)
  • EUROBANK (IBAN GR3002 6073 5000 0730 2005 26124)
  • In case of money transfer via e-banking from another bank, the Bank's transfer costs are borne exclusively by the customer.
  • With a charge to a Visa, MasterCard, Maestro and Diners credit or debit card. . The card will be charged upon completion of your order from our online store (see also transaction security). The prices mentioned in products include VAT.
  • Payment in store. As long as you have access to our physical store you can pay for your order upon receipt. Debit and credit cards are accepted.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice . Also all possible shipping charges include VAT.

You can choose whether your payment will be made with a retail receipt or an invoice. An invoice is issued to companies and self-employed professionals if they fill in the following information during their order: Company name, A.F.M., D.O.Y. and profession for freelancers.